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时间: 2024-11-09 02:09:17


1. I have to go to work on weekdays.


2. The gym is less crowded on weekdays.


3. I usually go grocery shopping on weekdays.


4. My favorite TV show airs on weekdays.


5. I prefer to schedule appointments on weekdays.


6. The traffic is usually heavier on weekdays.


7. I like to relax and unwind on weekdays.


8. The library is open until late on weekdays.


9. I always have a busy schedule on weekdays.


10. I enjoy cooking dinner at home on weekdays.


11. My children have after-school activities on weekdays.


12. I usually go for a run in the park on weekdays.


13. I have a part-time job on weekdays to earn extra money.


14. I like to catch up on reading on weekdays.


15. I meet up with friends for lunch on weekdays.


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