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时间: 2024-09-17 13:13:34


1. I will keep studying while you go out with your friends. (当你和朋友出去的时候,我会继续学习。)

2. The baby cried while her mother was cooking dinner. (婴儿在妈妈做晚餐的时候哭了。)

3. While I was walking to work, I saw an old friend. (在我走去上班的路上,我看到了一个老朋友。)

4. He fell asleep while watching the movie. (他在看电影的时候睡着了。)

5. While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain. (我在等公交车的时候,开始下雨了。)

6. She listened to music while doing her homework. (她一边做作业一边听音乐。)

7. While I was reading a book, the phone rang. (我正在看书的时候,电话响了。)

8. He cooked dinner while his wife cleaned the house. (他在妻子打扫房子的时候做晚饭。)

9. While I was shopping, I found a great deal on clothes. (我在购物的时候,发现了一件很便宜的衣服。)

10. They had a picnic while enjoying the beautiful weather. (他们一边享受美好的天气,一边野餐。)

11. While I was driving to work, I got stuck in traffic. (在我开车去上班的路上,遇到了交通堵塞。)

12. She called her mother while walking home from school. (她在放学回家的路上给妈妈打电话。)

13. While he was talking on the phone, he accidentally dropped it. (他在打电话的时候,不小心把手机摔了。)

14. I listened to music while working out at the gym. (我在健身房锻炼的时候听音乐。)

15. While I was cooking dinner, the smoke alarm went off. (在我做晚饭的时候,烟雾报警器响了。)

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