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时间: 2024-09-19 11:32:02


1. I like to listen to music whilst I study. (我喜欢在学习的时候听音乐。)

2. She enjoys gardening whilst her husband cooks dinner. (她喜欢在丈夫做晚餐的时候做园艺。)

3. I can multitask whilst watching TV. (我可以一边看电视一边做其他事情。)

4. The children played outside whilst their parents prepared for the party. (孩子们在外面玩耍,而他们的父母在为派对做准备。)

5. I read a book whilst waiting for my appointment. (我在等待我的约会时读了一本书。)

6. The cat napped whilst the dog chased its tail. (猫在打盹,而狗在追逐自己的尾巴。)

7. He likes to exercise whilst listening to podcasts. (他喜欢一边锻炼一边听播客。)

8. The students chatted whilst waiting for the bus. (学生们在等公共汽车的时候聊天。)

9. She cooked dinner whilst her roommate cleaned the apartment. (她在做晚餐的同时,室友在打扫公寓。)

10. The workers painted the walls whilst the renovation crew worked on the floors. (工人们在涂刷墙壁的同时,翻新队在工作地板。)

11. The baby slept peacefully whilst the parents watched a movie. (宝宝在睡觉,而父母在看电影。)

12. The students studied hard whilst preparing for their exams. (学生们在备考期间努力学习。)

13. She practiced the piano whilst her brother played the guitar. (她练习钢琴,而她的弟弟弹吉他。)

14. The chef cooked a delicious meal whilst singing along to the radio. (厨师一边煮一边跟着收音机唱歌。)

15. The team worked together whilst completing the project ahead of schedule. (团队一起合作,提前完成了项目。)

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