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时间: 2024-09-18 20:02:12



1. He lives within walking distance of the school.

- 他住在离学校步行可及的地方。

2. The store is within the shopping mall.

- 这家商店在购物中心内。

3. The answer lies within the text.

- 答案就在这段文字之中。

4. The hotel is located within the city limits.

- 酒店位于城市的边界之内。

5. We need to make a decision within the next hour.

- 我们需要在接下来的一个小时内做出决定。

6. You need to finish this task within the deadline.

- 你需要在截止日期内完成这项任务。

7. The noise came from within the building.

- 噪音来自建筑物内部。

8. He kept his feelings hidden within himself.

- 他把自己的感情深藏在内心之中。

9. She felt a sense of peace within the forest.

- 她在森林中感到一种平静。

10. The answer lies within you.

- 答案就在你自己之内。

11. Please stay within the designated area.

- 请留在指定的区域内。

12. The children played within the fenced yard.

- 孩子们在有篱笆围起的院子里玩耍。

13. The solution is within reach; we just need to find it.

- 解决方案近在眼前;我们只需要找到它。

14. The artist found inspiration within the chaos of the city.

- 艺术家在城市的混乱中找到了灵感。

15. The error was found within the computer program.

- 错误在计算机程序内被发现了。

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