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时间: 2024-09-20 13:18:52


Sure, here are 15 sentences with "yolk" and their Chinese explanations:

1. The chef carefully separated the egg white from the yolk to make a fluffy omelette. (厨师小心地将蛋清与蛋黄分开,做出了松软的煎蛋卷。)

2. The golden yolk of the egg contrasted beautifully with the white porcelain plate. (蛋黄的金黄色与白色瓷盘形成了美丽的对比。)

3. She prefers her eggs cooked with a runny yolk, so she can dip her toast into it. (她喜欢蛋黄流动的煮蛋,这样她可以把烤面包蘸在里面。)

4. The nutritional value of an egg yolk includes essential vitamins and fats. (蛋黄的营养价值包括必需的维生素和脂肪。)

5. He accidentally broke the yolk when cracking the egg into the bowl. (他在把蛋打进碗里时不小心打破了蛋黄。)

6. The custard was made with plenty of egg yolks to give it a rich, creamy texture. (这个卡士达是用大量的蛋黄做成的,使其具有浓郁的奶油口感。)

7. She was careful not to let any yolk drip onto the countertop while baking. (她烘烤时小心翼翼地不让任何蛋黄滴到台面上。)

8. The omelette was perfectly cooked, with a slightly runny yolk in the center. (煎蛋卷煮得恰到好处,中间的蛋黄微微地流动着。)

9. You can use just the egg yolks to make a rich, creamy sauce for pasta. (你可以只用蛋黄为意大利面做一份浓郁的奶油酱。)

10. The chef demonstrated how to separate the yolk from the egg white without breaking it. (厨师演示了如何把蛋黄和蛋清分开而不破坏蛋黄。)

11. The egg yolk gives the bread its golden color and soft texture. (蛋黄使面包呈现出金黄色和柔软的质地。)

12. She prefers her scrambled eggs with a mix of yolks and whites for extra flavor. (她喜欢把蛋黄和蛋清混合在一起做炒蛋,以增添额外的风味。)

13. The recipe calls for three egg yolks to be beaten until pale and creamy. (这个食谱要求将三个蛋黄搅打至淡黄色和奶油状。)

14. The yolk of the duck egg is larger and richer than that of a chicken egg. (鸭蛋的蛋黄比鸡蛋的要大而且更丰富。)

15. She carefully placed the poached egg on toast, ensuring the yolk remained intact. (她小心翼翼地把荷包蛋放在烤面包上,确保蛋黄保持完整。)


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