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时间: 2024-09-10 07:08:29


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "advent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The advent of the internet revolutionized communication worldwide.

- 互联网的出现彻底改变了全球的通讯方式。

2. Many medical breakthroughs have occurred since the advent of modern technology.

- 自现代技术的出现以来,许多医学突破已经发生。

3. With the advent of winter, the city prepares for heavy snowfall.

- 随着冬天的到来,城市准备迎接大雪。

4. The advent of social media has connected people across continents.

- 社交媒体的出现使得跨越大洲的人们能够联系在一起。

5. During the advent of industrialization, many rural areas saw mass migration to cities.

- 在工业化的时代来临期间,许多农村地区出现了大规模向城市迁移的现象。

6. The advent of autonomous vehicles promises to reshape transportation.

- 自动驾驶车辆的出现承诺重新塑造交通运输。

7. Before the advent of smartphones, people relied on traditional cell phones for communication.

- 在智能手机出现之前,人们依赖传统的手机进行通讯。

8. The advent of renewable energy sources marks a significant shift away from fossil fuels.

- 可再生能源的出现标志着人类从化石燃料中显著转变出来。

9. Literature flourished with the advent of the printing press in Europe.

- 随着印刷机在欧洲的出现,文学蓬勃发展。

10. The advent of artificial intelligence has raised ethical questions about its use in society.

- 人工智能的出现引发了关于其在社会中使用的伦理问题。

11. With the advent of the new year, people make resolutions for personal improvement.

- 随着新年的来临,人们为个人改善制定了新的决议。

12. The advent of space exploration has led to remarkable discoveries beyond Earth.

- 太空探索的出现已经导致了地球之外的显著发现。

13. Before the advent of modern medicine, herbal remedies were widely used for healing.

- 在现代医学出现之前,草药疗法被广泛用于治疗。

14. The advent of democracy in the country brought about significant social reforms.

- 该国民主制度的出现带来了重大的社会改革。

15. Education was transformed with the advent of online learning platforms.

- 在线学习平台的出现改变了教育的形式。


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