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时间: 2024-09-17 13:52:29



1. The frog is a well-known amphibian that can live both on land and in water.(青蛙是一种著名的两栖动物,可以在陆地和水中生活。)

2. Many amphibians, like salamanders and newts, prefer moist habitats.(许多两栖动物,如蝾螈和蜥蜴,喜欢潮湿的栖息地。)

3. Frogs are considered indicator species for the health of wetland ecosystems.(青蛙被认为是湿地生态系统健康的指示物种。)

4. The axolotl is an unusual amphibian that retains its larval features throughout its life.(墨西哥蝾螈是一种特殊的两栖动物,它在整个生命周期中保留了幼虫的特征。)

5. Amphibians are known for their ability to breathe through their skin.(两栖动物以能够通过皮肤呼吸而闻名。)

6. The decline in amphibian populations has raised concerns about environmental degradation.(两栖动物数量的下降引发了对环境恶化的担忧。)

7. Many amphibians hibernate during the winter months to survive cold temperatures.(许多两栖动物在冬季进行冬眠以在寒冷的温度中生存。)

8. The Amazon rainforest is home to a diverse array of amphibian species.(亚马逊雨林是许多种类丰富的两栖动物的家园。)

9. The life cycle of amphibians typically includes an aquatic larval stage.(两栖动物的生命周期通常包括一个水生的幼虫阶段。)

10. Some amphibians secrete toxins through their skin as a defense mechanism.(一些两栖动物通过皮肤分泌毒素作为防御机制。)

11. The study of amphibians helps scientists understand evolutionary transitions between aquatic and terrestrial life.(研究两栖动物帮助科学家理解水生和陆生生活之间的进化过渡。)

12. Frogs are an important part of many food webs, serving as prey for various predators.(青蛙是许多食物网的重要组成部分,是各种捕食者的猎物。)

13. Some amphibians, like the African clawed frog, have been introduced to new habitats outside their native range.(一些两栖动物,如非洲爪蟾,已被引入到其原产地以外的新栖息地。)

14. The skin of amphibians is highly permeable, allowing for efficient exchange of gases and water.(两栖动物的皮肤高度渗透性,有助于有效地交换气体和水分。)

15. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect amphibians from habitat loss and climate change impacts.(保护两栖动物免受栖息地丧失和气候变化影响的努力至关重要。)


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