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时间: 2024-09-20 03:45:59



1. Love is the antithesis of selfishness.(爱是自私的对立面。)

2. Patience is the antithesis of anger.(耐心是愤怒的对立面。)

3. Success is the antithesis of failure.(成功是失败的对立面。)

4. Light is the antithesis of darkness.(光明是黑暗的对立面。)

5. Freedom is the antithesis of captivity.(自由是囚禁的对立面。)

6. Health is the antithesis of disease.(健康是疾病的对立面。)

7. Generosity is the antithesis of greed.(慷慨是贪婪的对立面。)

8. Honesty is the antithesis of deceit.(诚实是欺骗的对立面。)

9. Unity is the antithesis of division.(团结是分裂的对立面。)

10. Harmony is the antithesis of discord.(和谐是不和的对立面。)

11. Wisdom is the antithesis of foolishness.(智慧是愚蠢的对立面。)

12. Humility is the antithesis of arrogance.(谦逊是傲慢的对立面。)

13. Creativity is the antithesis of conformity.(创造力是墨守成规的对立面。)

14. Progress is the antithesis of stagnation.(进步是停滞的对立面。)

15. Courage is the antithesis of cowardice.(勇气是怯懦的对立面。)


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