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时间: 2024-10-06 20:55:01


"Androgynism" refers to characteristics or qualities that are both masculine and feminine. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His fashion style embraces androgynism, often blending traditional men's and women's clothing elements together. (他的时尚风格融合了中性特质,经常将传统男装和女装元素结合在一起。)

2. The artist's paintings often depict figures with androgynous features, blurring the boundaries between male and female. (艺术家的画作经常描绘具有中性特征的人物,模糊了男性和女性之间的界限。)

3. In literature, androgynism can be a symbol of the fluidity of gender roles and identities. (在文学中,中性特征可以象征性别角色和身份的流动性。)

4. The androgynous model on the magazine cover challenges conventional notions of beauty and gender. (杂志封面上的中性模特挑战了传统的美和性别观念。)

5. Some cultures historically revered androgynism as a divine quality representing balance and completeness. (一些文化在历史上尊崇中性特质,将其视为代表平衡和完整的神性品质。)

6. Androgynism in language allows for greater inclusivity by avoiding gender-specific terms. (语言中的中性特质通过避免性别特定的术语,促进了更广泛的包容性。)

7. The film explored themes of androgynism through its portrayal of characters who defied traditional gender roles. (这部电影通过描绘违反传统性别角色的人物,探索了中性特质的主题。)

8. Androgynism can be expressed through mannerisms, dress, and even speech patterns that defy typical gender stereotypes. (中性特质可以通过举止、服装,甚至违反典型性别刻板印象的语言模式来表达。)

9. The singer's androgynous voice captivated audiences, blurring the distinction between male and female vocal ranges. (歌手的中性声音迷住了观众,模糊了男女声音范围之间的区别。)

10. Androgynism challenges societal norms by advocating for a more fluid understanding of gender identity. (中性特质通过倡导对性别身份更为流动的理解,挑战了社会规范。)

11. The designer's collection featured androgynous clothing that appealed to individuals regardless of gender identity. (设计师的系列作品包括中性服装,吸引了不论性别身份的个体。)

12. Philosophically, androgynism symbolizes the unity of opposites and the complementarity of male and female energies. (在哲学上,中性特质象征着对立物的统一和男性与女性能量的互补性。)

13. Androgynism in mythology often portrays deities who embody both masculine and feminine qualities. (神话中的中性特质通常描绘了既具有男性又具有女性特质的神灵。)

14. The novel explores the protagonist's journey towards self-acceptance, including embracing their androgynous nature. (这部小说探索了主人公朝向自我接受的旅程,包括接受自己的中性特质。)

15. Androgynism challenges binary thinking by acknowledging a spectrum of gender expressions beyond male and female. (中性特质通过承认超越男性和女性的性别表达谱系,挑战了二元思维。)


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