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时间: 2024-10-06 22:47:25


1. The artist's fashion style is androgynous, blending elements of both masculine and feminine attire. (这位艺术家的时尚风格是中性的,融合了男性和女性服饰的元素。)

2. In many ancient cultures, deities were often depicted as androgynous beings, embodying both male and female characteristics. (在许多古代文化中,神明常常被描绘成中性存在,具备男性和女性的特征。)

3. The androgyne appearance of the model challenged traditional notions of beauty on the runway. (模特的中性外貌在T台上挑战了传统的美学观念。)

4. Their androgynous voice made it difficult to determine whether they were male or female over the phone. (他们中性的声音让人在电话中难以判断他们是男性还是女性。)

5. The character in the novel was deliberately written as androgynous, leaving readers to question their gender identity. (小说中的角色被故意描绘成中性,让读者质疑他们的性别身份。)

6. Androgynous fashion has become increasingly popular among young adults who prefer clothing that transcends traditional gender norms. (中性时尚在青年人中越来越流行,他们喜欢超越传统性别规范的服装。)

7. The androgyne features of the sculpture highlighted the artist's intent to blur distinctions between male and female forms. (雕塑中的中性特征突显了艺术家模糊男性和女性形象的意图。)

8. As an androgyne, they navigated social situations without conforming to typical gender expectations. (作为一个中性人,他们在社交场合中行事,不受传统性别期望的限制。)

9. The androgynous hairstyle allowed them to express their fluid gender identity freely. (中性发型使他们能够自由地表达流动的性别身份。)

10. The androgynous appearance of the actor challenged audience perceptions of gender roles in the film industry. (演员中性的外表挑战了观众对电影行业中性别角色的认知。)

11. Their androgynous features made it difficult for others to guess their age and gender. (他们的中性特征使其他人难以猜测他们的年龄和性别。)

12. Androgynous models are often chosen for their ability to showcase a wide range of clothing styles without adhering to traditional gender boundaries. (中性模特因能够展示多样化的服装风格而经常被选择,而不拘泥于传统的性别界限。)

13. The artist's painting depicted an androgynous figure, symbolizing the unity of masculine and feminine energies. (艺术家的绘画描绘了一个中性人物形象,象征着男性和女性能量的统一。)

14. Their androgynous voice had a soothing quality that appealed to listeners regardless of their gender. (他们中性的声音具有一种令人放松的品质,吸引了无论性别如何的听众。)

15. The androgynous look of the celebrity inspired a new trend in fashion where gender lines are blurred. (这位名人的中性外表启发了时尚界的新潮流,其中性别界限被模糊了。)

上一个 【英语】epidemiological的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】androgynism的例句



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