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时间: 2024-10-07 00:54:50


当然!下面是关于"epidemiological" 的例句和中文解释:

1. Epidemiological studies have shown a strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer. (流行病学研究显示吸烟与肺癌之间有很强的相关性。)

2. The epidemiological investigation traced the source of the outbreak to contaminated water. (流行病学调查追踪到了疫情爆发的水源污染。)

3. Researchers conducted an epidemiological survey to determine the prevalence of diabetes in the population. (研究人员进行了流行病学调查,以确定人群中糖尿病的患病率。)

4. The epidemiological data suggested that the disease was spreading rapidly in urban areas. (流行病学数据表明该疾病在城市地区迅速传播。)

5. This epidemiological study aims to assess the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. (这项流行病学研究旨在评估与心血管疾病相关的危险因素。)

6. Epidemiological models predict the future trajectory of infectious diseases based on current data. (流行病学模型根据当前数据预测传染病的未来发展轨迹。)

7. The epidemiological approach involves analyzing patterns of disease occurrence in populations. (流行病学方法涉及分析人群中疾病发生的模式。)

8. An epidemiological investigation into foodborne illnesses was launched to prevent further outbreaks. (为防止进一步的爆发,启动了对食源性疾病的流行病学调查。)

9. Epidemiological surveillance is crucial for detecting outbreaks early and implementing timely interventions. (流行病学监测对早期发现疫情爆发并实施及时干预至关重要。)

10. The epidemiological evidence supported the hypothesis that vaccination reduced the incidence of the disease. (流行病学证据支持了疫苗接种减少疾病发生率的假设。)

11. Researchers used epidemiological methods to study the geographic distribution of cancer cases. (研究人员使用流行病学方法研究癌症病例的地理分布。)

12. Epidemiological studies often rely on statistical analysis to draw conclusions about health trends. (流行病学研究经常依靠统计分析来得出有关健康趋势的结论。)

13. The epidemiological investigation identified a common source of infection among the affected individuals. (流行病学调查确定了受影响个体中的一个常见感染源。)

14. Epidemiological surveillance systems are essential for monitoring disease patterns globally. (流行病学监测系统对全球疾病模式的监测至关重要。)

15. An epidemiological approach was adopted to understand the transmission dynamics of the virus in different populations. (采用流行病学方法来理解病毒在不同人群中的传播动态。)


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