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时间: 2024-10-07 23:50:33



1. We have biweekly meetings to discuss project progress. (我们每两周开一次会讨论项目进展。)

2. The magazine is published on a biweekly basis. (这本杂志是每两周出版一次。)

3. She receives her salary on a biweekly schedule. (她按每两周一次的时间表领取薪水。)

4. The biweekly newsletter keeps employees informed. (每两周一次的通讯让员工了解最新动态。)

5. They hold biweekly rehearsals for the upcoming play. (他们为即将上演的剧目进行每两周一次的排练。)

6. He makes biweekly trips to the grocery store. (他每周两次去杂货店。)

7. The lawn is mowed on a biweekly basis during the summer. (夏季草坪每两周修剪一次。)

8. They have biweekly check-ins with their clients. (他们与客户每两周进行一次检查。)

9. The gym offers biweekly fitness classes. (健身房提供每周两次的健身课程。)

10. The company issues biweekly reports on sales figures. (公司每两周发布一次销售数据报告。)

11. She attends biweekly therapy sessions. (她每两周参加一次心理治疗。)

12. The buses run on a biweekly schedule in that area. (那个地区的公交车按每两周一次的时间表运行。)

13. They publish a biweekly podcast. (他们每两周发布一次播客节目。)

14. The magazine has a biweekly circulation of over 100,000 copies. (这本杂志每两周的发行量超过10万份。)

15. Biweekly paychecks are common in some industries. (在某些行业,每两周发放一次工资支票很常见。)


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