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时间: 2024-10-07 19:57:50



1. Our company holds biannual meetings to discuss strategic plans. (我们公司每半年举行一次会议,讨论战略计划。)

2. The magazine publishes a biannual issue featuring the best photography of the year. (这本杂志每年出版两期,展示全年最佳摄影作品。)

3. The school conducts biannual evaluations of student performance. (学校每年两次对学生的表现进行评估。)

4. The city hosts a biannual festival celebrating local culture and heritage. (这座城市每年举办两次庆祝本地文化和遗产的节日。)

5. The research team presents biannual progress reports to their sponsors. (研究团队每半年向赞助方提交进展报告。)

6. The committee holds biannual elections for its leadership positions. (委员会每年两次举行选举,选出领导职位。)

7. The biannual sale at the store attracts shoppers with deep discounts. (商店的每半年一次的特卖会吸引了许多折扣购物者。)

8. The NGO organizes biannual volunteer trips to rural communities. (这个非政府组织每年两次组织志愿者去农村社区。)

9. The company issues biannual dividends to its shareholders. (公司每年两次向股东发放股息。)

10. The museum curates a biannual exhibition showcasing contemporary art. (博物馆策划每年两次的展览,展示当代艺术。)

11. The university hosts biannual seminars on environmental sustainability. (大学每年两次举办关于环境可持续性的研讨会。)

12. The biannual conference attracts industry leaders from around the world. (每年两次的会议吸引了来自世界各地的行业领袖。)

13. The journal publishes biannual updates on scientific discoveries. (这本期刊每年两次发布关于科学发现的更新。)

14. The theater company performs biannual productions of classic plays. (剧团每年两次上演经典剧目。)

15. The city council holds biannual town hall meetings for public input. (市议会每年两次举行市民大会,听取公众意见。)


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