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时间: 2024-09-20 08:19:02


Certainly! "Difform" is not a commonly used word in everyday English, but it typically means varying or differing in form or shape. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The difform rocks along the shore indicated volcanic activity in the area.

- 沿岸不同形状的岩石表明该地区存在火山活动。

2. Her difform collection of antique dolls ranged from delicate porcelain to rugged wooden figures.

- 她收藏的古董娃娃形态各异,从精致的瓷娃娃到粗糙的木制人偶不一而足。

3. The artist's difform sculptures challenged traditional ideas of beauty.

- 艺术家形态各异的雕塑挑战了传统的美学观念。

4. The difform clouds overhead hinted at an impending storm.

- 头顶上形态各异的云彩暗示着即将来临的暴风雨。

5. The difform shadows cast by the streetlights made the alley seem eerie at night.

- 街灯投射出来的各种形态的阴影使得夜晚的小巷显得阴森恐怖。

6. The difform buildings in the old town reflected its diverse architectural history.

- 老城区内各种形态的建筑反映了其多样化的建筑历史。

7. The difform opinions among the committee members delayed the decision-making process.

- 委员会成员之间不同的意见延迟了决策过程。

8. His difform collection of jazz records spanned several decades and styles.

- 他形态各异的爵士乐唱片收藏跨越了数十年和多种风格。

9. The difform flora and fauna of the tropical rainforest fascinated the biologists.

- 热带雨林中各种形态各异的植物和动物让生物学家着迷。

10. The difform pieces of evidence presented in court painted a complex picture of the crime.

- 法庭上呈现的各种形态的证据勾勒出一幅复杂的犯罪图景。

11. Her difform hairstyle stood out in a crowd of neatly groomed individuals.

- 她那种形态各异的发型在整齐梳理的人群中格外显眼。

12. The difform paths through the forest led explorers to unexpected discoveries.

- 森林中各种形态的小道引领探险家们发现了意想不到的事物。

13. The difform flavors of the buffet satisfied even the most discerning palates.

- 自助餐的各种形态的口味甚至让最挑剔的人也满意。

14. The difform melodies in the composer's latest work reflected his experimentation with new styles.

- 作曲家最新作品中形态各异的旋律反映了他对新风格的尝试。

15. The difform responsibilities of the project manager required flexibility and adaptability.

- 项目经理的各种形态的责任要求灵活性和适应能力。

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "difform" can be used, emphasizing differences in shape, form, or appearance.

上一个 【英语】diffuse的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】dishonest的例句



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