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时间: 2024-09-17 13:35:50


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "enchain," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The prisoner was enchained and led away from the courtroom. (囚犯被铐上了手铐,被带离法庭。)

2. Her fears seemed to enchain her, preventing her from taking any risks. (她的恐惧似乎把她束缚住了,使她不敢冒任何风险。)

3. The ancient artifact was enchanted, said to enchain anyone who touched it with a curse. (传说中这件古老的文物被施了魔法,据说碰触它的人会受到诅咒。)

4. Poverty can enchain generations within a cycle of despair. (贫困可以把一代又一代人困在绝望的循环中。)

5. His addiction to gambling began to enchain him, affecting his relationships and career. (他对赌博的沉迷开始束缚他,影响了他的人际关系和职业生涯。)

6. The charm of the music enchains the listener, transporting them to another world. (音乐的魅力把听众束缚住了,带他们进入另一个世界。)

7. Fear can enchain the mind, making it difficult to think clearly. (恐惧可以束缚思维,使人难以清晰地思考。)

8. The artist's words enchain us with their beauty, resonating deeply within our souls. (艺术家的言辞用其美丽束缚我们,深深地共鸣在我们的灵魂中。)

9. Tyranny seeks to enchain the populace, depriving them of their freedoms. (暴政试图束缚人民,剥夺他们的自由。)

10. His guilt enchains him to the past, preventing him from moving forward. (他的内疚把他与过去紧紧联系在一起,阻止他前进。)

11. The intricate web of lies enchains the characters in a suspenseful drama. (错综复杂的谎言网络把人物们在悬疑剧中紧紧束缚住。)

12. Love can enchain the heart, bringing both joy and pain. (爱可以束缚心灵,带来喜悦和痛苦。)

13. The addiction to power enchains many politicians, blinding them to the needs of their constituents. (对权力的沉迷束缚了许多政客,使他们对选民的需求视而不见。)

14. The oppressive regime sought to enchain dissenters through intimidation and censorship. (压制性政权试图通过恐吓和审查来束缚异议者。)

15. Superstition can enchain the mind, leading people to believe in irrational things. (迷信可以束缚思维,导致人们相信不合理的事情。)


上一个 【英语】encage的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】empower的例句



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