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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:20


当然,请看以下关于 "impeccable" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. Her manners at the dinner party were impeccable. 她在晚宴上的举止无可挑剔。

2. He has an impeccable taste in fashion. 他在时尚品味上毫无瑕疵。

3. The actor's performance received impeccable reviews from critics. 这位演员的表演获得了评论家们无可挑剔的好评。

4. The hotel staff provided impeccable service throughout our stay. 酒店员工在我们逗留期间提供了无可挑剔的服务。

5. Her logic in the debate was impeccable; she left no room for doubt. 她在辩论中的逻辑严谨无误,毫无疑问。

6. The team's strategy was executed with impeccable precision. 这支团队的战略执行得非常精准。

7. The documents were prepared with impeccable attention to detail. 这些文件制作非常注重细节,无可挑剔。

8. His conduct during the crisis was impeccable, showing true leadership. 他在危机期间的表现无可挑剔,展现了真正的领导力。

9. The quality of his work is impeccable; he never misses a deadline. 他的工作质量无可挑剔,从不错过任何截止日期。

10. The chef's culinary skills are impeccable; every dish is a masterpiece. 这位厨师的烹饪技艺无可挑剔,每道菜都是杰作。

11. The company has maintained an impeccable record of safety. 公司一直保持着无可挑剔的安全记录。

12. The scientist's research methodology is impeccable; his results are highly regarded. 这位科学家的研究方法无可挑剔,他的研究成果受到高度赞赏。

13. She gave an impeccable presentation, impressing everyone in the room. 她进行了一次无可挑剔的演讲,给在场的每个人留下了深刻印象。

14. The book received impeccable editing before publication. 这本书在出版之前接受了无可挑剔的编辑。

15. Their friendship was based on mutual respect and impeccable trust. 他们的友谊建立在相互尊重和无可挑剔的信任之上。

希望这些例句能够帮助你更好地理解 "impeccable" 这个词的用法和含义!

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