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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:12



1. The laws of physics are immutable and apply uniformly throughout the universe.(物理定律是不可改变的,适用于整个宇宙。)

2. Once the decision is made by the committee, it is immutable and cannot be reversed.(委员会一旦做出决定,那个决定是不可逆转的。)

3. In some cultures, certain traditions are seen as immutable, passed down from generation to generation.(在某些文化中,某些传统被视为不可变的,代代相传。)

4. The terms of the contract are immutable and cannot be altered without mutual consent.(合同条款是不可更改的,除非双方同意。)

5. The principles of mathematics are immutable and remain constant regardless of context.(数学原理是不变的,无论背景如何,它们始终保持不变。)

6. The immutable truth is that time waits for no one.(不变的事实是,时间不等人。)

7. The Constitution of the country is considered immutable and forms the basis of all legal frameworks.(国家宪法被视为不可改变的,构成所有法律框架的基础。)

8. His beliefs were immutable, despite attempts to persuade him otherwise.(尽管有人试图说服他,但他的信念是不可动摇的。)

9. The company's policy on data protection is immutable and strictly enforced.(公司对数据保护的政策是不可动摇的,并且严格执行。)

10. The scientist argued that some laws of nature are immutable and universal.(科学家认为,某些自然法则是不可改变的和普遍适用的。)

11. Despite the changing political landscape, his commitment to justice remained immutable.(尽管政治局势不断变化,他对正义的承诺始终不变。)

12. The artist believed that beauty was an immutable concept, transcending time and culture.(艺术家认为美是一个不变的概念,超越了时间和文化。)

13. The traditions of their tribe were seen as immutable, representing their identity and heritage.(他们部落的传统被视为不可改变的,代表着他们的身份和遗产。)

14. Once the software is installed, its core functions are immutable unless updated by the developer.(一旦软件安装完成,其核心功能除非由开发人员更新,否则是不可改变的。)

15. The fundamental principles of ethics are considered immutable across different philosophical traditions.(伦理学的基本原则在不同的哲学传统中被认为是不可改变的。)


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