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时间: 2024-09-22 09:07:20


Certainly! "Intromit" is a less commonly used word in English that means to allow or admit something, typically into a place or a group. Here are 15 example sentences along with Chinese translations:

1. The committee decided to intromit new members into the organization.

- 委员会决定允许新成员加入组织。

2. The security guard refused to intromit anyone without proper identification.

- 保安拒绝让任何没有适当身份证明的人进入。

3. The landlord intromitted the tenants into the building after completing the renovations.

- 房东在完成装修后让租户进入大楼。

4. The museum intromits visitors only during specified hours.

- 博物馆只在指定时间允许游客进入。

5. The judge intromitted the evidence into the trial despite objections from the defense.

- 法官尽管被辩护方反对,但仍将证据引入审判。

6. The university intromits students based on their academic qualifications.

- 大学根据学术资格允许学生入学。

7. The system automatically intromits data from various sources.

- 系统自动从各种来源引入数据。

8. The manager intromitted the latest policies to the team during the meeting.

- 经理在会议期间向团队介绍了最新的政策。

9. She intromitted fresh ideas into the project, revitalizing the team's efforts.

- 她为项目引入了新鲜的想法,使团队的努力焕发了活力。

10. The club intromits guests only if accompanied by a member.

- 俱乐部只有在会员陪同下才允许客人进入。

11. The company policy intromits diversity as a core value.

- 公司政策将多样性引入核心价值观。

12. He intromitted his expertise into the discussion, shedding light on the issue.

- 他在讨论中贡献了自己的专业知识,为问题带来了新的视角。

13. The teacher intromitted a sense of responsibility into her students.

- 老师在学生中灌输了一种责任感。

14. The government intromitted reforms to improve public services.

- 政府进行改革以改善公共服务。

15. They intromitted traditions from their culture into their daily lives abroad.

- 他们将自己文化中的传统引入到在国外的日常生活中。

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "intromit" can be used, from legal settings to everyday situations involving admission or inclusion.

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