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时间: 2024-09-22 11:03:12



1. She's quite the introvert, preferring books to parties. 她是个性格内向的人,更喜欢读书而不是参加聚会。

2. As an introvert, he finds large social gatherings exhausting. 作为一个内向的人,他觉得大型社交聚会很累人。

3. Introverts often enjoy solitary activities like hiking or painting. 内向的人通常喜欢独自活动,比如远足或绘画。

4. Being an introvert doesn't mean you dislike people; you just prefer smaller groups. 成为一个内向的人并不意味着你讨厌人群,你只是更喜欢小团体。

5. The introvert's quiet demeanor often hides a rich inner world. 内向者沉默的外表常常掩盖了丰富的内心世界。

6. Introverts tend to reflect deeply before speaking. 内向的人说话前往往会深思熟虑。

7. She's an introvert by nature but can be very engaging in one-on-one conversations. 她天生内向,但在一对一的对话中可以非常引人注目。

8. Introverts recharge their energy by spending time alone. 内向的人通过独处来恢复能量。

9. He's more of an introvert, preferring online chats to face-to-face meetings. 他更偏向内向,更喜欢在线聊天而不是面对面的会议。

10. Introverts often listen more than they speak in group settings. 内向的人在群体中往往多听少说。

11. The introvert's introspective nature leads to profound insights about themselves. 内向者内省的天性使他们对自己有深刻的理解。

12. Many introverts excel in creative fields where they can work independently. 许多内向的人在能够独立工作的创意领域表现出色。

13. Despite being an introvert, she manages a large team with ease. 尽管是个内向的人,她却能轻松地管理一个大团队。

14. Introverts often find solace in activities that require concentration. 内向的人通常在需要集中注意力的活动中找到安慰。

15. His introverted personality is complemented by his thoughtful approach to problem-solving. 他内向的个性与他解决问题时的深思熟虑相辅相成。

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