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时间: 2024-09-17 13:38:19


当然,这里有一些关于 "prodigious" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. She had a prodigious talent for mathematics, solving complex problems effortlessly. (她在数学方面有着惊人的才华,轻松解决复杂问题。)

2. The artist's prodigious output amazed critics and fans alike. (艺术家惊人的创作量让评论家和粉丝们都感到惊讶。)

3. He possessed a prodigious memory, remembering details from decades ago. (他有着惊人的记忆力,能记得几十年前的细节。)

4. The company achieved a prodigious growth in sales last year. (该公司去年在销售额方面取得了惊人的增长。)

5. The mountain climber showed prodigious courage in facing the treacherous conditions. (登山者在面对险恶的环境时展现了惊人的勇气。)

6. Her prodigious appetite was well-known among her friends. (她的大胃口在她的朋友中间是众所周知的。)

7. The scientist made a prodigious discovery that changed the field of medicine forever. (那位科学家做出了一项惊人的发现,彻底改变了医学领域。)

8. The novel's success was due in part to the author's prodigious storytelling skills. (这部小说的成功部分归因于作者惊人的讲故事技巧。)

9. The orchestra conductor was known for his prodigious ability to bring out the best in his musicians. (指挥家以其惊人的能力而闻名,能够使他的音乐家发挥出最佳状态。)

10. Despite his prodigious wealth, he lived a modest lifestyle. (尽管他拥有惊人的财富,他过着朴素的生活。)

11. The young actor displayed prodigious talent in his debut film. (年轻演员在他的首部电影中展现出了惊人的才华。)

12. The team's prodigious effort resulted in a championship win. (团队的巨大努力导致了一场冠军的胜利。)

13. The scientist had a prodigious intellect that grasped complex theories effortlessly. (那位科学家拥有惊人的智力,轻松掌握复杂的理论。)

14. The marathon runner's prodigious stamina allowed him to finish first. (马拉松选手惊人的耐力使他第一个到达终点。)

15. The artist's prodigious imagination transformed everyday scenes into captivating artworks. (艺术家惊人的想象力将日常场景转化为迷人的艺术作品。)

希望这些例句能帮助你更好地理解和使用 "prodigious" 这个词汇!

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