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时间: 2024-09-21 21:24:11


当我们谈论词缀 "suffix" 时,它通常指的是附加在词尾的字母或音节,改变词的意义或形式。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. -ness: Happiness is a state of being content and joyful. (-ness:幸福是一种感觉,代表快乐和满足。)

2. -ful: Grateful people appreciate what they have. (-ful:感恩的人珍惜他们所拥有的。)

3. -able: He is capable of handling difficult situations. (-able:他有能力处理困难的情况。)

4. -ment: His commitment to excellence is evident in his work. (-ment:他对卓越的承诺在他的工作中表现得很明显。)

5. -er: The teacher is a person who educates students. (-er:老师是教育学生的人。)

6. -ly: She spoke softly so as not to wake the baby. (-ly:她轻声说话,以免吵醒宝宝。)

7. -ship: Their friendship has lasted for many years. (-ship:他们的友谊已经持续了许多年。)

8. -ist: She is an artist who specializes in watercolor paintings. (-ist:她是一位专门从事水彩画的艺术家。)

9. -less: He felt hopeless after losing his job. (-less:失业后,他感到绝望。)

10. -ize/-ise: They decided to organize the event themselves. (-ize/-ise:他们决定自己组织这个活动。)

11. -y: The city was noisy with the sounds of traffic. (-y:城市里充斥着交通噪音。)

12. -al: His refusal to participate surprised everyone. (-al:他拒绝参加令所有人都感到惊讶。)

13. -able/-ible: The book was understandable even for beginners. (-able/-ible:这本书即使对初学者来说也很容易理解。)

14. -tion: Communication is key to resolving conflicts. (-tion:沟通是解决冲突的关键。)

15. -ing: Swimming is a popular summer activity. (-ing:游泳是夏季的一项流行活动。)


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