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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:43



1. She gave him a supercilious look, implying that she considered herself superior to him. (她用一种傲慢的眼神看着他,暗示她认为自己比他优越。)

2. His supercilious attitude towards the waiter offended everyone at the table. (他对待侍者的傲慢态度冒犯了桌上的每个人。)

3. The supercilious tone in her voice made it clear she thought the question was beneath her. (她语气中的傲慢表明她认为这个问题不值一提。)

4. He had a supercilious smile on his face as he corrected his colleague's mistake. (他脸上带着一丝傲慢的微笑,纠正了同事的错误。)

5. The aristocrat's supercilious demeanor made it difficult for others to approach him. (贵族的傲慢态度让其他人很难接近他。)

6. Despite his supercilious manner, he was actually quite insecure about his abilities. (尽管他态度傲慢,但实际上他对自己的能力相当不安。)

7. She was known for her supercilious disregard of others' opinions. (她因漠视他人观点而出了名。)

8. His supercilious behavior alienated potential allies. (他的傲慢行为疏远了潜在的盟友。)

9. The politician's supercilious air didn't sit well with voters. (政客那种傲慢的气质让选民感到不舒服。)

10. Despite her supercilious facade, she was actually quite lonely. (尽管她表现出一副傲慢的假象,实际上她很孤单。)

11. He adopted a supercilious pose, looking down his nose at those around him. (他摆出一副傲慢的姿态,鼻子朝着周围的人看。)

12. Her supercilious remarks about his background angered him deeply. (她对他背景的傲慢评论深深激怒了他。)

13. The professor's supercilious dismissal of student questions discouraged class participation. (教授对学生问题的傲慢态度导致了课堂参与的减少。)

14. Despite his supercilious reputation, he was surprisingly humble in private. (尽管他有傲慢的名声,但私下里他令人惊讶地很谦逊。)

15. Her supercilious behavior masked a deep-seated insecurity. (她的傲慢行为掩盖了内心深处的不安全感。)


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