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时间: 2024-09-20 13:07:30


Certainly! "Acrid" means having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The acrid smoke filled the room, making it hard to breathe. (刺鼻的烟雾弥漫了整个房间,让人难以呼吸。)

2. She wrinkled her nose at the acrid odor coming from the garbage can. (她因垃圾桶里散发出的刺鼻气味皱起了鼻子。)

3. The acrid taste of burnt food lingered in his mouth. (他嘴里留有烧焦食物的刺激味道。)

4. The air was filled with the acrid scent of chemicals. (空气中弥漫着化学品的刺激气味。)

5. She coughed as the acrid fumes from the factory reached her. (工厂散发出的刺激性烟雾让她咳嗽起来。)

6. The acrid taste of the medicine made it difficult for the child to swallow. (药物的刺激味道让孩子很难吞咽。)

7. The acrid smell of burning rubber filled the air after the car accident. (车祸后,燃烧的橡胶散发出刺鼻的气味。)

8. The acrid stench of decay permeated the basement. (腐烂的刺鼻气味弥漫了地下室。)

9. He winced at the acrid taste of the medicine. (他因药物的刺激味道而畏缩。)

10. The acrid smoke billowed from the chimney. (刺鼻的烟雾从烟囱中滚滚而出。)

11. She covered her nose against the acrid stench of the garbage dump. (她捂住鼻子,免受垃圾场刺鼻的气味侵扰。)

12. The acrid smell of ammonia made her eyes water. (氨的刺激气味让她眼睛发红。)

13. The acrid taste of bitterness filled her mouth after their argument. (争吵后,苦涩的刺激味道充斥着她的口腔。)

14. The acrid aroma of burnt toast wafted through the kitchen. (烤焦面包的刺鼻香气飘过了厨房。)

15. He could taste the acrid tang of fear in the air. (他能品味到空气中刺鼻的恐惧气息。)


上一个 【英语】acidulous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】acute的例句



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