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时间: 2024-10-06 22:47:43



1. They reached an amicable agreement on the division of the property. (他们就财产分割达成了和解。)

2. The neighbors have an amicable relationship; they often help each other out. (邻居之间关系友好,经常互相帮助。)

3. After the divorce, they remained amicable for the sake of their children. (离婚后,为了孩子他们保持了友好关系。)

4. The business partners parted ways amicably and wished each other success in their new ventures. (商业伙伴友好分手,并祝对方在新的事业中成功。)

5. The negotiation between the two companies was conducted in an amicable atmosphere. (两家公司之间的谈判在友好的氛围中进行。)

6. Despite their differences, they managed to settle the dispute in an amicable manner. (尽管存在分歧,他们设法以和解的方式解决了争端。)

7. The committee members had an amicable discussion and came to a consensus quickly. (委员会成员进行了友好的讨论,并迅速达成了共识。)

8. The athletes from different countries have formed amicable relationships during the competition. (来自不同国家的运动员在比赛期间建立了友好关系。)

9. The amicable exchange of ideas led to a productive brainstorming session. (友好的思想交流导致了富有成效的头脑风暴会议。)

10. Our team and theirs have an amicable rivalry; we respect each other's skills. (我们的团队与他们的团队有友好的竞争关系;我们彼此尊重对方的技能。)

11. The amicable demeanor of the host put everyone at ease. (主持人友好的态度让每个人都感到放松。)

12. The countries agreed to an amicable resolution of the border dispute. (这些国家同意友好解决边界争端。)

13. The siblings have an amicable relationship despite their occasional disagreements. (尽管偶尔有分歧,这些兄弟姐妹之间有着友好的关系。)

14. The teacher fostered an amicable atmosphere in the classroom where students felt comfortable sharing their opinions. (老师在课堂上营造了一种友好的氛围,学生们感到舒适地分享自己的观点。)

15. The amicable settlement of the lawsuit saved both parties time and money. (友好解决诉讼案件节省了双方的时间和金钱。)


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