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时间: 2024-10-06 20:52:44



1. They signed a treaty of amity and cooperation between the two nations. (他们签署了两国之间的友好合作条约。)

2. The neighbors lived in perfect amity for many years. (邻居们多年来和睦相处。)

3. The amity between the two families was evident in their joint celebrations. (两家人的友好关系在他们共同庆祝活动中显而易见。)

4. The town council strives to promote amity among its citizens. (市议会致力于促进市民之间的友好关系。)

5. Their longstanding amity was tested during times of adversity. (在逆境时期,他们长期的友好关系受到了考验。)

6. Amity among colleagues is essential for a productive work environment. (同事之间的友好关系对于一个高效的工作环境至关重要。)

7. The treaty was designed to foster amity and mutual respect. (该条约旨在促进友好和相互尊重。)

8. She greeted her old friend with great amity and warmth. (她以极大的友好和热情迎接她的老朋友。)

9. Amity is a cornerstone of peaceful coexistence. (友好是和平共处的基石。)

10. The amity between the business partners was evident in their successful collaboration. (商业伙伴之间的友好关系在他们成功的合作中显而易见。)

11. The school emphasizes the value of amity and cooperation among students. (学校强调学生之间友好和合作的重要性。)

12. They resolved their differences and restored amity in their relationship. (他们解决了彼此的分歧,恢复了彼此之间的友好关系。)

13. The town's annual festival promotes unity and amity among residents. (该镇的年度节日促进了居民之间的团结和友好。)

14. International organizations work towards fostering amity between nations. (国际组织致力于促进国与国之间的友好关系。)

15. The delegation was received with amity and hospitality during their visit. (代表团在访问期间受到了友好和热情的接待。)


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