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时间: 2024-10-06 22:47:10



1. There has been a long history of enmity between the two rival gangs. (两个对立帮派之间有着悠久的敌意。)

2. The enmity between the neighboring countries flared up into armed conflict. (邻国之间的敌意激化成武装冲突。)

3. Despite their enmity, they managed to find a way to cooperate on the project. (尽管彼此怀有敌意,他们设法在这个项目上合作。)

4. The enmity between the two families lasted for generations. (这两个家族之间的仇恨延续了好几代人。)

5. Their enmity towards each other was evident in every interaction. (他们彼此的敌意在每一次交往中都显而易见。)

6. The enmity between the CEO and the board members led to a hostile takeover attempt. (CEO和董事会成员之间的敌意导致了一次敌意的收购尝试。)

7. She couldn't hide her enmity towards her former business partner. (她无法掩饰对她以前的商业伙伴的敌意。)

8. Years of enmity were finally set aside for the sake of peace. (为了和平起见,多年的敌意终于被抛在了脑后。)

9. The enmity between the two political parties escalated during the election campaign. (两党之间的敌意在竞选活动期间升级。)

10. He harbored deep enmity towards those who had betrayed him. (他对那些背叛他的人怀有深深的仇恨。)

11. The enmity between the star players on the team affected their performance. (球队中明星球员之间的敌意影响了他们的表现。)

12. Despite their enmity on the battlefield, soldiers often found common ground during quiet moments. (尽管战场上他们怀有敌意,士兵们在安静的时刻经常找到共同点。)

13. The enmity between the CEO and the unions led to a prolonged strike. (CEO和工会之间的敌意导致了一场长时间的罢工。)

14. Her enmity towards authority figures stemmed from a difficult childhood. (她对权威人物的敌意源自于艰难的童年经历。)

15. The enmity between the two nations was a barrier to diplomatic negotiations. (两国之间的敌意成为外交谈判的障碍。)


上一个 【英语】amity的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】ambulance的例句



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