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时间: 2024-09-17 13:31:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "circulate," each followed by a Chinese explanation:

1. News of the accident began to circulate quickly through the small town.

- 事故的消息迅速在小镇上传开来。

2. The organization circulated a petition to gather signatures for their cause.

- 组织传发请愿书以收集支持他们事业的签名。

3. Air circulates more effectively in a well-ventilated room.

- 在通风良好的房间内,空气流通更为有效。

4. The teacher circulated among the students to monitor their progress.

- 老师在学生之间走动,监督他们的进展情况。

5. Rumors began to circulate about the company's financial troubles.

- 有关公司财务困境的谣言开始传播开来。

6. The magazine is circulated in over 50 countries worldwide.

- 这本杂志在全球50多个国家流通发行。

7. The police circulated a description of the suspect to all nearby precincts.

- 警方向附近所有警局传达了对嫌疑人的描述。

8. Blood circulates through the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients.

- 血液在身体内循环,输送氧气和营养物质。

9. The memo will be circulated to all staff members tomorrow.

- 这份备忘录将于明天传达给所有员工。

10. Ideas and innovations often circulate freely in creative communities.

- 创意社群中的想法和创新通常会自由流传。

11. The virus can circulate silently among the population for weeks.

- 这种病毒可以在人群中悄无声息地传播数周。

12. Currency notes circulate in the economy, facilitating transactions.

- 货币票据在经济中流通,促进交易。

13. The petition is circulating online, attracting thousands of signatures.

- 请愿书正在网上传播,吸引了数千个签名。

14. During the conference, ideas and proposals circulated among the attendees.

- 会议期间,与会者之间流传着各种想法和提案。

15. Fresh water circulates continuously through the fish tank to keep the fish healthy.

- 淡水通过鱼缸持续循环,保持鱼的健康。


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