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时间: 2024-09-17 13:40:02



1. The road to his house was long and circuitous, winding through the mountains.(通向他家的路程漫长而迂回,蜿蜒穿过群山。)

2. She took a circuitous route to avoid the heavy traffic.(她选择了绕道以避开交通拥堵。)

3. The diplomat's speech was circuitous, avoiding direct answers to sensitive questions.(那位外交官的讲话迂回曲折,避免直接回答敏感问题。)

4. The negotiations took a circuitous path before reaching a compromise.(谈判走了一条迂回的路线才达成了妥协。)

5. He led us on a circuitous journey through the city, showing us hidden gems along the way.(他带领我们在城市中迂回前行,途中向我们展示了隐藏的宝藏。)

6. The writer's argument was so circuitous that it was difficult to follow his reasoning.(那位作家的论证非常迂回,很难理解他的推理。)

7. After several circuitous attempts, they finally found the correct path through the labyrinth.(经过几次迂回尝试,他们终于找到了穿越迷宫的正确路径。)

8. The detective followed a circuitous trail of clues to unravel the mystery.(侦探沿着一条曲折的线索追踪以揭开谜团。)

9. Her reasoning was circuitous, jumping from one point to another without a clear structure.(她的推理曲折复杂,从一个点跳到另一个点而没有清晰的结构。)

10. Instead of a direct answer, he gave me a circuitous explanation that only confused me further.(他没有直接回答,而是给了我一个曲折的解释,只让我更加困惑。)

11. The river followed a circuitous path through the valley, creating picturesque bends.(河流沿着山谷迂回流动,形成了风景如画的弯曲。)

12. The project's approval process was so circuitous that it took months to finalize.(项目的批准过程非常曲折,花了几个月才最终完成。)

13. She took us on a circuitous route through the park to avoid the crowded areas.(她带我们绕过公园的迂回路线,以避开拥挤的地区。)

14. The politician's speech was intentionally circuitous, leaving room for multiple interpretations.(那位政治家的讲话有意地迂回曲折,留下了多种解释的空间。)

15. The negotiations were prolonged due to the circuitous discussions over minor details.(由于在细枝末节上的迂回讨论,谈判拖延了下来。)


上一个 【英语】circulate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】encircle的例句



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