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时间: 2024-09-17 14:07:53



1. The DNA evidence presented at the trial was conclusive in proving his innocence. (在审判中呈现的DNA证据是确凿的,证明了他的清白。)

2. After hours of debate, they finally reached a conclusive decision on the matter. (经过数小时的辩论,他们终于就这个问题达成了最终的决定。)

3. The conclusive findings of the study confirmed the hypothesis beyond doubt. (研究的确凿结论毫无疑问地确认了假设。)

4. Despite their efforts, the team couldn't provide conclusive proof of their theory. (尽管他们努力了,但团队无法提供他们理论的确凿证据。)

5. The judge declared a mistrial because the evidence was not conclusive enough. (法官宣布宣告审判无效,因为证据不够确凿。)

6. His confession was seen as a conclusive admission of guilt. (他的自白被视为对罪行的确凿认罪。)

7. The scientists were seeking conclusive evidence to support their groundbreaking theory. (科学家们正在寻找确凿的证据来支持他们开创性的理论。)

8. The conclusive results of the experiment were published in a prestigious scientific journal. (实验的确凿结果发表在一本著名的科学期刊上。)

9. The team needed one more piece of evidence to reach a conclusive determination. (团队需要再多一份证据来作出最终的决定。)

10. The detective needed conclusive proof before making an arrest. (侦探在逮捕前需要确凿的证据。)

11. The committee reviewed the data and came to a conclusive resolution. (委员会审查了数据并达成了最终的决议。)

12. The findings were not conclusive enough to draw a definitive conclusion. (这些发现不足以得出一个确定的结论。)

13. Her testimony provided conclusive evidence of his whereabouts that night. (她的证词提供了他那晚行踪的确凿证据。)

14. The research team's findings were conclusive enough to change existing theories. (研究团队的发现足以改变现有的理论。)

15. The lack of conclusive results led to further investigation. (缺乏确凿的结果导致进一步的调查。)


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