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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:06



1. The new software update introduced a cumbersome interface that confused many users. (新的软件更新引入了一个复杂的界面,让很多用户感到困惑。)

2. Carrying all those heavy boxes up the stairs was a cumbersome task. (把所有那些重箱子搬上楼梯是一项费力的任务。)

3. The old photocopy machine was slow and cumbersome to operate. (旧的复印机操作起来又慢又麻烦。)

4. The bureaucracy of the government made the process of obtaining permits unnecessarily cumbersome. (政府的官僚主义使得获取许可的过程变得不必要地繁琐。)

5. His argument was sound, but his delivery was so cumbersome that the audience lost interest. (他的论点很有道理,但是他的表达方式太啰嗦,观众失去了兴趣。)

6. The legislation was criticized for its cumbersome wording, which made it difficult to interpret. (这项立法因其复杂的措辞而受到批评,这使得解释起来很困难。)

7. The old-fashioned printing press was a cumbersome piece of machinery compared to modern digital printers. (与现代的数字打印机相比,那台老式印刷机是一台笨重的机器。)

8. Moving into the small apartment with all her furniture was a cumbersome process. (带着所有家具搬进那个小公寓是一个费力的过程。)

9. The proposal was rejected due to its cumbersome implementation plan. (由于其繁琐的实施计划,这项提议被拒绝了。)

10. The knight's armor was so cumbersome that he could barely move. (那位骑士的铠甲非常笨重,他几乎无法移动。)

11. The ancient ship's steering mechanism was cumbersome and required multiple crew members to operate. (古代船只的舵机构笨重,需要多名船员来操作。)

12. The process of assembling the furniture was more cumbersome than expected. (组装家具的过程比预期的更繁琐。)

13. The traditional manual payroll system proved to be cumbersome and error-prone. (传统的手工工资支付系统被证明是繁琐且容易出错的。)

14. The artist's original plan for the sculpture was deemed too cumbersome by the critics. (艺术家对雕塑的原始计划被评论家认为太过复杂。)

15. The large suitcase was cumbersome to carry through the crowded airport. (大号行李箱在拥挤的机场里携带起来很笨重。)


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