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时间: 2024-11-08 20:23:33



1. She received a new denture last week.

- 她上周拿到了新的假牙。

2. Denture adhesives can help keep false teeth in place.

- 假牙粘合剂可以帮助固定假牙。

3. He struggled with discomfort from his ill-fitting denture.

- 他因假牙不合而感到不适。

4. Regular check-ups are essential for maintaining denture health.

- 定期检查对保持假牙健康至关重要。

5. Denture cleaning tablets are used to keep false teeth fresh.

- 假牙清洁片用于保持假牙清洁。

6. She had her old denture replaced with a more comfortable one.

- 她把旧假牙换成了更舒适的假牙。

7. Dentures can be made from various materials including acrylic and metal.

- 假牙可以用多种材料制成,包括丙烯酸和金属。

8. The dentist adjusted the denture to improve its fit.

- 牙医调整了假牙以改善其贴合度。

9. People with dentures need to avoid certain sticky foods.

- 戴假牙的人需要避免某些粘性的食物。

10. A partial denture replaces only a few missing teeth.

- 部分假牙只替换掉几颗缺失的牙齿。

11. Full dentures are used when all the natural teeth are missing.

- 当所有天然牙齿缺失时,使用全口假牙。

12. She felt self-conscious about wearing her denture in public.

- 她对在公众场合佩戴假牙感到不自在。

13. The denture’s fit can change over time due to bone loss.

- 由于骨质流失,假牙的贴合度可能随着时间而变化。

14. A denture reline involves adding new material to fit better.

- 假牙衬垫是指添加新材料以提高贴合度。

15. Proper denture care can prolong their lifespan.

- 适当的假牙护理可以延长其使用寿命。

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