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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:13


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "exempt," along with their Chinese translations:

1. Employees earning below a certain threshold are exempt from overtime pay.

- 收入低于一定标准的雇员可以免除加班费。

2. This tax exemption applies only to charitable organizations.

- 这种税收豁免仅适用于慈善组织。

3. Students with disabilities may be exempt from certain academic requirements.

- 残疾学生可能免除某些学术要求。

4. Diplomats are exempt from certain local laws while serving abroad.

- 外交官在海外工作期间可以免除某些地方法律的约束。

5. The new policy exempts small businesses from the licensing fee.

- 新政策使小型企业免除了许可费。

6. The president is not exempt from criticism despite his position.

- 尽管是总统,他也不能免受批评。

7. Certain foods are exempt from sales tax in this state.

- 这个州的某些食品免征销售税。

8. Medical expenses are exempt from income tax under certain conditions.

- 在某些条件下,医疗费用可以免除所得税。

9. Tourists are exempt from local residency requirements.

- 游客可以免除当地的居住要求。

10. The team was exempt from the first round of competition due to their previous victory.

- 由于他们之前的胜利,这支队伍免去了第一轮比赛。

11. Members of parliament are not exempt from scrutiny by the public.

- 国会议员不能免受公众的审查。

12. Children under five are exempt from admission charges.

- 五岁以下的儿童免除入场费。

13. Religious organizations may be exempt from property taxes.

- 宗教组织可能免除财产税。

14. Some categories of vehicles are exempt from emissions testing.

- 某些类型的车辆免除排放测试。

15. Investors need to be aware that dividends are not always exempt from taxation.

- 投资者需要知道,股息并非总是免税的。


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