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时间: 2024-11-08 22:13:19


1. The patient's adynamic condition worsened after the surgery, leading to prolonged bed rest. (手术后,病人的虚弱状态恶化,导致长时间卧床。)

2. The adynamic economy struggled to recover from the recession. (经济的不活跃状态使其难以从经济衰退中恢复。)

3. He was diagnosed with adynamic ileus, causing severe discomfort. (他被诊断出患有无力性肠梗阻,导致严重的不适。)

4. The adynamic leadership of the company failed to inspire innovation. (公司领导层的不活跃无法激发创新。)

5. She experienced adynamic fatigue after weeks of intense work. (经过几周的紧张工作后,她感到了无力的疲劳。)

6. The adynamic response from the audience disappointed the performers. (观众的冷淡反应让表演者感到失望。)

7. Adynamic marketing strategies failed to attract new customers. (不活跃的营销策略未能吸引新客户。)

8. His adynamic temperament made it difficult for him to engage socially. (他的性格内向不活跃,使他难以进行社交。)

9. The adynamic circulation in the room made it uncomfortably hot. (房间内的不活跃气流使其异常闷热。)

10. The adynamic performance of the team resulted in a loss. (团队的不活跃表现导致了一场失败。)

11. Adynamic conditions in the stock market led to cautious investor sentiment. (股市的不活跃情况导致投资者情绪谨慎。)

12. The adynamic state of the negotiations prolonged the decision-making process. (谈判的不活跃状态延长了决策过程。)

13. Adynamic academic policies stifled creativity among students. (学校的不活跃学术政策抑制了学生的创造力。)

14. Adynamic legislative changes failed to address pressing social issues. (不活跃的立法变革未能解决迫切的社会问题。)

15. The adynamic growth of the plant indicated underlying health issues. (植物的不活跃生长表明存在潜在的健康问题。)


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