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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:23



1. She used the coupon to redeem a discount on her purchase.

- 她使用了优惠券以获得购买折扣。

2. He managed to redeem his reputation after the scandal.

- 在丑闻之后,他设法挽回了自己的名誉。

3. The company is working hard to redeem itself after the product recall.

- 公司正在努力挽回在产品召回后的声誉。

4. They redeemed their points for a gift card.

- 他们用积分兑换了礼品卡。

5. The novel's ending redeems the otherwise slow plot.

- 小说的结局弥补了原本较慢的情节。

6. She hoped to redeem her mistake by working extra hours.

- 她希望通过加班来弥补自己的错误。

7. The prisoner was finally redeemed through a pardon from the governor.

- 那名囚犯通过州长的赦免最终得以被赎回。

8. You can redeem your tickets at the box office.

- 你可以在票务处兑换你的票。

9. The charity aims to redeem the lives of underprivileged children.

- 这个慈善机构旨在拯救贫困儿童的生活。

10. Her kindness redeemed her from the harsh judgment of others.

- 她的善良使她从他人的严厉评价中被救赎。

11. He tried to redeem himself by apologizing to everyone affected.

- 他试图通过向所有受影响的人道歉来挽回自己。

12. The film’s special effects redeem its otherwise weak storyline.

- 电影的特效弥补了其较弱的剧情。

13. They were able to redeem their investment after the market recovered.

- 在市场复苏后,他们能够挽回他们的投资。

14. She struggled to redeem her lost time by working diligently.

- 她努力通过勤奋工作来弥补失去的时间。

15. The coach’s strategy redeemed the team’s performance in the final game.

- 教练的策略挽回了球队在最后一场比赛中的表现。


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