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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:57


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "redemption":

1. He sought redemption for his past mistakes by volunteering at the homeless shelter. (他通过在无家可归者收容所做志愿者来寻求对过去错误的补偿。)

2. The character in the novel found redemption through acts of kindness towards others. (小说中的角色通过对他人的善举找到了救赎。)

3. The redemption of the coupon allowed her to get a discount on her purchase. (使用优惠券使她在购买时得到了折扣。)

4. The company issued bonds that are due for redemption next month. (公司发行的债券将在下个月到期兑付。)

5. He believed in the redemption of humanity through faith and good deeds. (他相信通过信仰和善行可以拯救人类。)

6. The redemption of the pawned items required paying the full amount plus interest. (赎回当掉的物品需要支付全额加利息。)

7. After years of struggle, she finally found redemption in her career. (经过多年的奋斗,她终于在事业上获得了成功。)

8. In the movie, the protagonist's journey was a quest for personal redemption. (在电影中,主人公的旅程是为了个人的救赎。)

9. The redemption of his reputation after the scandal was a slow and difficult process. (丑闻后,他的名誉恢复是一个缓慢而艰难的过程。)

10. The priest spoke of the possibility of redemption for even the most hardened criminals. (神父谈及即使是最铁石心肠的罪犯也有救赎的可能性。)

11. His act of bravery was seen as a form of redemption for his earlier cowardice. (他的英勇行为被视为他早前懦弱的救赎。)

12. The redemption of the debt was completed with the final payment last week. (债务的兑付在上周最后一笔付款时完成。)

13. She offered an apology as a gesture of redemption for her thoughtless remarks. (她道歉是为了弥补她轻率的言论。)

14. The athlete saw winning the championship as redemption for all the hard work and setbacks. (这位运动员认为赢得冠军是对所有辛勤努力和挫折的补偿。)

15. The story's theme revolves around the idea of redemption and forgiveness. (这个故事的主题围绕着救赎和宽恕的观念。)


上一个 【英语】redeem的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】peremptory的例句



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