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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:29



1. The manager issued a peremptory order for everyone to evacuate the building immediately. (经理发布了一个断然的命令,要求所有人立即撤离大楼。)

2. The judge's peremptory dismissal of the case surprised everyone in the courtroom. (法官对案件的断然驳回让法庭上的每个人都感到惊讶。)

3. She had a peremptory manner that sometimes rubbed people the wrong way. (她的态度强硬,有时会得罪人。)

4. The CEO's peremptory decision to close the branch caught everyone off guard. (CEO 断然决定关闭分公司,让所有人措手不及。)

5. The teacher's peremptory tone brooked no argument from the students. (老师的口气强硬,学生们不敢反驳。)

6. The board's peremptory rejection of the proposal disappointed the research team. (董事会对提案的断然拒绝让研究团队感到失望。)

7. He gave a peremptory nod, signaling the meeting was over. (他断然地点了点头,表示会议结束了。)

8. Her peremptory refusal to compromise led to a breakdown in negotiations. (她坚决拒绝妥协导致了谈判的破裂。)

9. The general's peremptory command silenced any further discussion. (将军的断然命令使进一步的讨论戛然而止。)

10. The committee's peremptory decision to disband the club shocked its members. (委员会断然决定解散俱乐部,让会员们感到震惊。)

11. He responded with a peremptory wave of his hand, indicating he wasn't interested in hearing excuses. (他断然地挥了挥手,表示他不想听任何借口。)

12. The company issued a peremptory ultimatum to the striking workers. (公司对罢工工人发布了一个断然的最后通牒。)

13. Her peremptory dismissal of his proposal wounded his pride. (她对他提案的断然驳回伤害了他的自尊心。)

14. The coach's peremptory decision to bench the star player surprised the entire team. (教练对替换明星球员的断然决定让整个团队感到惊讶。)

15. The president's peremptory veto of the bill dashed hopes for legislative progress. (总统对法案的断然否决打消了立法进展的希望。)


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