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时间: 2024-09-28 22:49:54



1. The military decided to preempt the enemy's attack by launching a surprise airstrike. (军方决定通过发动突然空袭来预防敌人的进攻。)

2. The company preempts potential issues by implementing strict quality control measures. (公司通过实施严格的质量控制措施来预防潜在问题。)

3. The government preempted criticism of its policies by announcing reforms ahead of schedule. (政府提前宣布改革以预防对其政策的批评。)

4. She preempted her opponent's argument by presenting compelling evidence first. (她通过先提供令人信服的证据来预先驳斥了对手的论点。)

5. The professor preempted confusion by providing a clear outline of the lecture topics. (教授通过清晰地概述讲座主题来预防混淆。)

6. They preemptively canceled the outdoor event due to the weather forecast. (由于天气预报,他们提前取消了户外活动。)

7. The detective preempted any attempts to mislead him by thoroughly investigating the crime scene. (侦探通过彻底调查案发现场来预防任何误导他的企图。)

8. The CEO preempted questions about layoffs by addressing the issue directly in her speech. (CEO在演讲中直接回应裁员问题,以避免人们提出问题。)

9. The airline preempted potential disruptions by rescheduling flights ahead of the storm. (航空公司通过在风暴来临前重新安排航班,以预防潜在的中断。)

10. The politician preempted criticism of her voting record by explaining her decisions publicly. (政治家通过公开解释她的决定,预防了对她的投票记录的批评。)

11. The company preemptively launched a marketing campaign to counter its competitor's new product launch. (公司提前推出了营销活动,以应对竞争对手的新产品发布。)

12. The police preempted any illegal activities during the protest by deploying additional officers. (警方通过增派警员,在示威活动期间预防了任何非法活动。)

13. By preempting objections, the team secured unanimous approval for their proposal. (通过预先解决反对意见,团队确保了他们提案的全票通过。)

14. The doctor preemptively prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection after surgery. (医生在手术后预先开了抗生素,以预防感染。)

15. The teacher preempted disruptions during the exam by outlining clear rules beforehand. (老师通过事先概述明确的规则,预防了考试期间的混乱。)

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