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时间: 2024-09-28 22:55:09



1. He was punished for his iniquity against his neighbors. (他因对邻居的不义行为而受到惩罚。)

2. The book exposes the iniquities of the political system. (这本书揭露了政治体制的不公正。)

3. She refused to participate in any iniquitous activities. (她拒绝参与任何不义的活动。)

4. The iniquity of slavery haunted the nation for decades. (奴隶制度的不义困扰着这个国家几十年。)

5. The judge condemned the defendant for his iniquitous behavior. (法官因其不义行为而谴责被告。)

6. Corruption is often seen as a form of societal iniquity. (腐败通常被视为一种社会上的不公正。)

7. The prophet spoke out against the iniquities of the ruling class. (先知公开谴责统治阶层的不义行为。)

8. The company's iniquitous practices eventually led to its downfall. (公司的不义做法最终导致了它的垮台。)

9. Iniquity must be rooted out for justice to prevail. (必须铲除不义才能使正义得以实现。)

10. The iniquities of war affect civilians the most. (战争的不义对平民影响最大。)

11. They were accused of iniquitous dealings in their business transactions. (他们被指控在业务交易中进行不义的交易。)

12. The novel explores the iniquities of power and greed. (这部小说探讨了权力和贪婪的不义。)

13. His iniquitous behavior tarnished his reputation irreparably. (他的不义行为彻底玷污了他的声誉。)

14. The iniquity of the decision was apparent to everyone involved. (这个决定的不义显而易见,所有相关人士都看到了。)

15. The community rallied against the iniquities they faced. (社区团结起来反对他们面对的不义。)


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