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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:47


Certainly! "Anergy" refers to a lack of immune response to an antigen, typically resulting from a weakened immune system. Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese:

1. The patient exhibited anergy to the tuberculosis skin test, indicating a compromised immune response.

- 病人对结核菌皮试表现出免疫功能低下,显示出反应迟钝。

2. The chronic fatigue syndrome led to anergy, leaving the patient vulnerable to infections.

- 慢性疲劳综合征导致免疫功能低下,使病人易感染。

3. Severe malnutrition can result in immune anergy, making the body susceptible to various illnesses.

- 严重营养不良可能导致免疫反应迟钝,使身体容易受到各种疾病侵袭。

4. The immunocompromised patient showed anergy towards the flu vaccine, necessitating alternative protective measures.

- 免疫功能低下的病人对流感疫苗显示出反应迟钝,需要采取替代性的防护措施。

5. Anergy in the elderly can contribute to increased susceptibility to infections and slower wound healing.

- 老年人的免疫反应迟钝可能导致更容易感染和伤口愈合较慢。

6. Chronic stress can induce anergy, impairing the body's ability to fight off diseases effectively.

- 持续的压力可能导致免疫反应迟钝,影响身体有效抵抗疾病的能力。

7. Anergy testing is used to assess immune function in patients with suspected immunodeficiency disorders.

- 免疫反应迟钝测试用于评估疑似免疫缺陷性疾病的患者的免疫功能。

8. The HIV infection led to anergy in the patient, rendering common vaccinations less effective.

- HIV感染导致患者出现免疫反应迟钝,使常规疫苗的效果降低。

9. Chemotherapy often causes temporary anergy, leaving patients susceptible to infections during treatment.

- 化疗常导致暂时性的免疫反应迟钝,使患者在治疗期间容易感染。

10. An autoimmune disorder can paradoxically lead to anergy towards specific antigens while causing hyperactivity against self-tissues.

- 自身免疫性疾病可能导致对特定抗原的免疫反应迟钝,同时对自身组织过度活跃的现象。

11. Anergy may be reversible with appropriate medical intervention and treatment of underlying conditions.

- 通过适当的医疗干预和治疗潜在疾病,免疫反应迟钝可能是可逆转的。

12. Anergy testing helps determine if a person has become immunologically tolerant to a particular antigen.

- 免疫反应迟钝测试有助于确定一个人是否对特定抗原产生了免疫耐受性。

13. The anergy observed in the patient was due to long-term steroid use, suppressing immune responses.

- 患者表现出的免疫反应迟钝是由于长期使用类固醇,抑制了免疫反应。

14. **Anergy is a concern

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