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时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:30



1. Despite his best efforts, his failing health prevented him from attending the event. (尽管他尽了最大努力,但健康问题使他无法参加活动。)

2. The failing economy led to widespread unemployment. (经济的衰退导致了大规模的失业。)

3. Her constant tardiness was her biggest failing as an employee. (她经常迟到是作为一名员工最大的缺点。)

4. One of his failings is his inability to accept criticism gracefully. (他的一个缺点是无法优雅地接受批评。)

5. The failing light made it difficult to see the path ahead. (光线逐渐暗淡,使得前方的道路难以辨认。)

6. Despite her failings as a leader, she was well-liked by her team. (尽管作为领导者有缺点,但她很受团队喜爱。)

7. His failing grades in math required him to seek extra tutoring. (他数学成绩下降,需要额外寻求辅导。)

8. The failing company was unable to meet its financial obligations. (这家濒临破产的公司无法履行其财务义务。)

9. Their relationship failed due to his persistent failings in communication. (由于他在沟通方面的持续不足,他们的关系破裂了。)

10. The failing power grid resulted in widespread blackouts across the city. (电网的故障导致城市大面积停电。)

11. Despite his academic failings, he was known for his creativity. (尽管在学术上有所不足,他因创造力而著称。)

12. The failing brakes on the car caused a serious accident. (汽车的制动失灵导致了一起严重事故。)

13. His failing memory made it difficult for him to recall recent events. (他衰退的记忆使得他难以回忆起最近的事件。)

14. The failing crops resulted in a poor harvest that year. (作物的减产导致了那年的歉收。)

15. Overcoming his personal failings was a long and difficult journey for him. (克服他的个人缺点对他来说是一段漫长而艰难的旅程。)


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