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【英语】default 的例句

时间: 2024-09-18 11:34:48



1. She didn't make a choice, so it went to the default option.

- 她没有作出选择,所以就采用了默认选项。

2. The default setting for the thermostat is 22 degrees Celsius.

- 温控器的默认设置是摄氏22度。

3. He defaulted on his loan payments, so the bank took possession of his car.

- 他未能按时偿还贷款,因此银行没收了他的车辆。

4. The computer program crashed and returned to its default state.

- 计算机程序崩溃了,回到了默认状态。

5. The company defaulted on its promise to deliver the goods on time.

- 公司未能履行按时交付货物的承诺。

6. The word processor has a default font that can be changed in the settings.

- 这款文字处理软件有一个默认字体,可以在设置中更改。

7. He set his phone to default to silent mode during meetings.

- 他设置手机在会议期间默认为静音模式。

8. The contract specifies the consequences if either party defaults on their obligations.

- 合同明确规定了如果任何一方违约其义务的后果。

9. The default behavior of the program is to save files automatically.

- 程序的默认行为是自动保存文件。

10. Investors were worried when the country's government defaulted on its bonds.

- 当该国政府违约债券时,投资者感到担忧。

11. The default wallpaper on the new computer was a scenic landscape.

- 新电脑的默认壁纸是一幅风景画。

12. The website asked users to change their default password after signing up.

- 网站要求用户在注册后更改默认密码。

13. The default position of the chair was too upright, so he adjusted it.

- 椅子的默认位置太笔直了,所以他进行了调整。

14. If you don't make a choice, the system will select the default option for you.

- 如果你没有做出选择,系统将为你选择默认选项。

15. The default template for the presentation included a title slide and content slides.

- 演示文稿的默认模板包括标题幻灯片和内容幻灯片。


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