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时间: 2024-09-20 03:08:04


Certainly! "Odoriferous" means having a pleasant or unpleasant smell. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The flowers in the garden were highly odoriferous, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. (花园里的花朵香气扑鼻,弥漫着甜美的香味。)

2. The kitchen was filled with the odoriferous aroma of freshly baked bread. (厨房里弥漫着新鲜烤面包的芳香气味。)

3. The perfume she wore was so odoriferous that it could be smelled from across the room. (她身上涂抹的香水香气四溢,能够从房间的另一边闻到。)

4. The trash can emitted an odoriferous stench that made everyone cover their noses. (垃圾桶发出的难闻恶臭让每个人都捂住了鼻子。)

5. The odoriferous herbs added a delightful flavor to the soup. (这些香气四溢的草药为汤增添了令人愉悦的味道。)

6. The hotel room had an odoriferous mustiness that indicated it hadn't been aired out for weeks. (酒店房间里弥漫着一种潮湿的难闻气味,表明已经好几周没有通风了。)

7. As we walked through the orchard, we were surrounded by the odoriferous scent of ripe apples. (我们走过果园时,四周弥漫着成熟苹果的香气。)

8. The dumpster behind the restaurant was particularly odoriferous on hot summer days. (餐厅后面的垃圾箱在炎热的夏天尤为臭气熏天。)

9. The blooming jasmine flowers were incredibly odoriferous, perfuming the entire garden. (盛开的茉莉花香气扑鼻,使整个花园都充满了香气。)

10. The cheese aged in the cellar developed an odoriferous tang that aficionados appreciated. (在地窖中陈化的奶酪散发出一种令人喜爱的浓烈香气。)

11. The pile of wet leaves left an odoriferous mess on the lawn after the rain. (雨后,湿叶堆在草坪上留下了一片难闻的混乱。)

12. The bakery was known for its odoriferous breads that attracted customers from afar. (这家面包店以其芳香四溢的面包而闻名,吸引了远道而来的顾客。)

13. The scented candles filled the room with an odoriferous warmth that was quite comforting. (这些香薰蜡烛散发出一种温暖而芬芳的气息,令人感到十分舒适。)

14. The odoriferous spices in the market created a sensory overload for anyone passing through. (市场里的香气四溢的香料对路过的人来说是一种感官上的过载。)

15. The swamp was not only visually stunning but also odoriferous with the scent of damp earth and vegetation. (这个沼泽不仅视觉上令人惊叹,而且充满了潮湿土壤和植被的芳香气味。)


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