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时间: 2024-09-20 05:02:42


Certainly! "Floriferous" means producing many flowers or being flower-bearing. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The garden was floriferous, with blooms of every color imaginable. (花园里花朵盛开,各种颜色的花朵随处可见。)

2. This particular species of plant is known for being floriferous throughout the entire growing season. (这种植物以整个生长季节都开花良多而闻名。)

3. The floriferous display in spring attracts visitors from all over the region. (春天的花海吸引了来自整个地区的游客。)

4. Her balcony garden is a floriferous oasis amidst the urban bustle. (她的阳台花园在都市的喧嚣中成了一个花朵丰富的绿洲。)

5. The floriferous bushes along the path made the walk particularly scenic. (路边那些开满花的灌木使得散步特别有景色。)

6. The floriferous trees lined the streets, filling the air with fragrance. (街道两旁开满花的树木,让空气中弥漫着芬芳。)

7. The floriferous season in the botanical garden attracts botanists and enthusiasts alike. (植物园里的开花季节吸引了植物学家和爱好者。)

8. The floriferous meadows were a haven for bees and butterflies. (开满花朵的草地是蜜蜂和蝴蝶的天堂。)

9. Their wedding venue was chosen for its floriferous surroundings. (他们选择的婚礼场地因其花朵盛开的环境而备受青睐。)

10. The floriferous vines covered the trellis, creating a stunning floral display. (盛开的藤蔓覆盖了格子架,形成了令人惊艳的花卉展示。)

11. Spring in this region is particularly floriferous due to the mild climate. (由于温和的气候,这个地区的春天特别盛开。)

12. The floriferous celebration of cherry blossoms is a cherished tradition in Japan. (樱花盛开的庆祝活动是日本珍贵的传统。)

13. The floriferous illustrations in the botanical textbook helped students identify different species. (植物学教科书中那些开满花朵的插图帮助学生辨别不同的物种。)

14. The floriferous arrangement of flowers in the vase brightened up the entire room. (花瓶里盛开的花朵布置使整个房间焕发光彩。)

15. The floriferous landscapes of the countryside were painted by many famous artists. (乡村盛开的花卉景观被许多著名艺术家描绘过。)


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