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时间: 2024-09-10 06:32:27



1. Flamingos are known for their vibrant pink feathers and long, slender legs. (火烈鸟以其鲜艳的粉红羽毛和修长的腿而闻名。)

2. The flamingo gracefully waded through the shallow waters of the lake. (火烈鸟优雅地在湖水浅处涉水而行。)

3. We were lucky to catch a glimpse of a flock of flamingos taking flight at sunset. (我们很幸运在日落时分看到一群火烈鸟起飞。)

4. Flamingos often stand on one leg, a behavior that conserves energy. (火烈鸟常常单腿站立,这种行为有助于节约能量。)

5. The zoo's flamingo enclosure is designed to mimic their natural habitat. (动物园的火烈鸟围场被设计成模仿它们的自然栖息地。)

6. Flamingos feed on small crustaceans and algae found in the water. (火烈鸟以水中的小型甲壳动物和藻类为食。)

7. Conservation efforts have helped stabilize the flamingo population in the region. (保护工作有助于稳定该地区的火烈鸟种群数量。)

8. The striking silhouette of flamingos against the sunset sky made for a breathtaking sight. (火烈鸟在日落时分的剪影非常引人注目,构成了一幅令人叹为观止的景象。)

9. Flamingos are social birds that often gather in large colonies for breeding. (火烈鸟是群居的鸟类,通常会集结成大群进行繁殖。)

10. The biologist studied the flamingo's mating rituals to better understand their behavior. (生物学家研究火烈鸟的交配仪式,以更好地理解它们的行为。)

11. Tourists marveled at the elegance of the flamingos as they moved gracefully through the water. (游客们对火烈鸟在水中优雅地行动感到十分惊叹。)

12. Flamingos use their uniquely shaped bills to filter food from the water. (火烈鸟利用其独特形状的喙从水中过滤食物。)

13. The flamingo chicks hatched in the nesting area drew crowds of visitors to the zoo. (动物园孵化区内的火烈鸟雏鸟吸引了大批游客前来参观。)

14. A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance, reflecting their colorful appearance. (一群火烈鸟被称为“flamboyance”,反映了它们多彩的外观。)

15. In some cultures, the flamingo symbolizes grace, beauty, and balance. (在某些文化中,火烈鸟象征着优雅、美丽和平衡。)


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