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时间: 2024-09-17 13:46:43



1. Gasoline is highly inflammable.

- 汽油是非常易燃的。

2. Please store these chemicals away from inflammable materials.

- 请将这些化学品存放远离易燃材料。

3. The factory was destroyed in the fire caused by inflammable gases.

- 工厂被易燃气体引发的火灾摧毁了。

4. The curtains in the old building were made of inflammable fabric.

- 老建筑的窗帘是由易燃布料制成的。

5. Always check that the area is clear of inflammable substances before welding.

- 焊接前请务必检查区域内是否有易燃物质。

6. The storage facility had to be upgraded to meet safety standards for inflammable materials.

- 为了符合易燃材料的安全标准,存储设施必须进行升级。

7. Firefighters are trained to handle situations involving inflammable liquids.

- 消防员接受过处理涉及易燃液体的情况的训练。

8. Smoking is strictly prohibited near inflammable materials.

- 禁止在易燃材料附近吸烟。

9. These chemicals are known to be highly inflammable under certain conditions.

- 这些化学品在某些条件下被认为是极易燃的。

10. The building code requires special storage areas for inflammable substances.

- 建筑规范要求为易燃物质设置特殊的存储区域。

11. He was wearing protective gear to handle the inflammable materials safely.

- 他穿着防护装备以安全处理易燃材料。

12. The fire spread rapidly due to the presence of inflammable chemicals.

- 由于有易燃化学品的存在,火灾迅速蔓延。

13. Workers were trained on how to properly handle inflammable waste.

- 工人们接受了如何正确处理易燃废物的培训。

14. Inflammable gases can pose a serious risk if not handled properly.

- 如果处理不当,易燃气体可能造成严重的风险。

15. The warning labels indicate that the product is inflammable.

- 警示标签显示该产品易燃。


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