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时间: 2024-09-20 06:46:30



1. He was known for his political subterfuge, always finding ways to manipulate situations for his own benefit. (他以政治诡计闻名,总是找到方法来操纵局势以谋求自己的利益。)

2. The company used financial subterfuge to hide its losses from investors. (公司利用财务诡计来掩盖其对投资者的损失。)

3. Her apparent confusion was merely a subterfuge to buy time while her allies arrived. (她表面上的困惑只是一种诡计,是为了在她的盟友到来之前争取时间。)

4. The spy relied on subterfuge to infiltrate the enemy's ranks undetected. (间谍依靠诡计潜入敌人的阵营而不被察觉。)

5. The magician's act was full of subterfuge and misdirection, keeping the audience guessing. (魔术师的表演充满了诡计和误导,让观众猜不透。)

6. The negotiations were marked by diplomatic subterfuge, with each side trying to gain an advantage without revealing their true intentions. (谈判充满了外交上的诡计,每一方都试图获取优势而不暴露其真实意图。)

7. The thief used subterfuge to distract the security guards while his accomplice stole the jewels. (小偷利用诡计分散警卫的注意力,而他的同伙偷走了珠宝。)

8. The plot of the novel was intricate, full of subterfuge and unexpected twists. (小说的情节错综复杂,充满了诡计和意想不到的转折。)

9. The coach employed subterfuge to confuse the opposing team, leading to a surprising victory. (教练利用诡计混淆对方球队,导致意外的胜利。)

10. The defendant's lawyer resorted to legal subterfuge to delay the trial. (被告的律师诉诸法律上的诡计来拖延审判。)

11. The spy agency was skilled in the art of subterfuge, able to operate in hostile territories without detection. (间谍机构精通诡计的艺术,能够在敌对领土上不被察觉地行动。)

12. The escape plan involved a lot of subterfuge to evade the guards. (逃跑计划涉及大量诡计来躲避守卫。)

13. The company's financial reports were marred by subterfuge, hiding debts and inflating profits. (公司的财务报告被诡计所污染,隐藏了债务并夸大了利润。)

14. The diplomat used subterfuge to gather sensitive information without raising suspicion. (外交官利用诡计搜集敏感信息而不引起怀疑。)

15. His apologies were mere subterfuge; he had no intention of changing his behavior. (他的道歉只是一种诡计;他并没有打算改变自己的行为。)


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