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时间: 2024-09-20 02:50:27



1. The beauty of the sunset is fugacious, lasting only a few moments.

- 日落的美景是短暂的,只持续了几分钟。

2. She was captivated by the fugacious nature of youth.

- 她被青春的短暂本质所吸引。

3. The fugacious nature of time makes it all the more precious.

- 时间的短暂性使它变得更加珍贵。

4. His fame was fugacious, disappearing almost as quickly as it appeared.

- 他的名声是短暂的,几乎一出现就消失了。

5. The fugacious scent of the flowers was a reminder of summer’s fleeting moments.

- 花香的短暂气息让人想起了夏天稍纵即逝的时光。

6. They enjoyed the fugacious joy of a perfect day at the beach.

- 他们享受了在海滩度过完美一天的短暂快乐。

7. Art often captures the fugacious beauty of a moment in time.

- 艺术常常捕捉住瞬间短暂的美丽。

8. The poet reflects on the fugacious nature of human existence.

- 诗人思考着人类存在的短暂本质。

9. Fugacious moments of happiness are often the most memorable.

- 短暂的幸福时光往往是最难忘的。

10. She admired the fugacious sparkle of the morning dew on the grass.

- 她欣赏了早晨露珠在草地上短暂的闪光。

11. The fugacious shadows at dusk created a serene atmosphere.

- 黄昏时分短暂的影子创造了宁静的氛围。

12. The fleeting, fugacious nature of dreams often leaves us longing for more.

- 梦境的短暂性质常常让我们对更多的渴望。

13. He was moved by the fugacious beauty of the cherry blossoms.

- 他被樱花短暂的美丽所打动。

14. The fugacious patterns in the sand were washed away by the tide.

- 沙滩上短暂的图案被潮水冲刷走了。

15. They treasured the fugacious moments they had spent together.

- 他们珍惜一起度过的短暂时光。


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