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时间: 2024-09-19 17:34:11



1. The campers applied insectifuge to ward off mosquitoes during their outdoor adventure. (露营者在户外冒险期间使用驱虫剂来驱赶蚊子。)

2. She prefers natural insectifuge made from essential oils rather than chemical sprays. (她更喜欢使用由精油制成的天然驱虫剂,而不是化学喷雾。)

3. The pharmacist recommended an insectifuge containing DEET for maximum protection. (药剂师推荐了一种含有DEET的驱虫剂,以提供最大的保护。)

4. Farmers use insectifuge to protect their crops from pests without harming the environment. (农民使用驱虫剂保护他们的庄稼免受害虫侵害,而不会损害环境。)

5. It's essential to apply insectifuge before going into the forest to avoid mosquito bites. (进入森林前涂抹驱虫剂是避免蚊虫叮咬的关键。)

6. The children wore clothes treated with insectifuge to prevent insect bites during the camping trip. (孩子们在露营期间穿着经过驱虫剂处理的衣物,以防止昆虫叮咬。)

7. This natural insectifuge is safe for pets and humans alike. (这种天然驱虫剂对宠物和人类都安全。)

8. Health officials advise travelers to use insectifuge in areas where malaria is prevalent. (卫生官员建议旅行者在疟疾流行地区使用驱虫剂。)

9. The campsite provided insectifuge for all visitors to prevent discomfort from insect bites. (露营地为所有游客提供驱虫剂,以防止因昆虫叮咬而造成的不适。)

10. Applying insectifuge regularly helps reduce the risk of contracting diseases carried by mosquitoes. (定期使用驱虫剂有助于减少感染蚊子携带疾病的风险。)

11. She carries a small bottle of insectifuge in her backpack for hiking trips. (她在徒步旅行时随身携带一小瓶驱虫剂。)

12. The effectiveness of this insectifuge against ticks has been scientifically proven. (这种驱虫剂对蜱虫的有效性已被科学证明。)

13. Doctors recommend pregnant women use non-chemical insectifuge for safety reasons. (医生建议孕妇出于安全考虑使用非化学驱虫剂。)

14. Insectifuge products vary in their duration of effectiveness against different types of insects. (驱虫剂产品在对抗不同类型昆虫的有效期上有所不同。)

15. The new formula of insectifuge promises longer-lasting protection without the strong odor. (新配方的驱虫剂承诺更持久的保护效果,且没有浓烈的气味。)


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