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时间: 2024-09-18 12:01:43



1. Bats are lucifugous creatures, preferring to roost in dark caves during the day.

- 蝙蝠是厌光的生物,白天更喜欢栖息在黑暗的洞穴中。

2. The nocturnal insects exhibit lucifugous behavior, hiding from daylight under leaves and in crevices.

- 这些夜行性昆虫表现出厌光行为,白天躲藏在叶子下和裂缝中。

3. Certain species of fish are lucifugous and prefer to stay in the depths of the ocean during daylight hours.

- 某些鱼类是厌光的,白天更喜欢待在海洋深处。

4. The lucifugous lizard swiftly darted into the shadows when I approached its hiding place.

- 当我走近它的藏身之处时,这只厌光蜥蜴迅速地跑进了阴影中。

5. These plants are lucifugous, thriving best in shaded areas rather than direct sunlight.

- 这些植物厌光,最适合在阴凉处生长,而非直射阳光。

6. Lucifugous animals have developed adaptations to avoid exposure to light during their active periods.

- 厌光动物在活动期间已经发展出适应策略,以避免暴露在光线下。

7. The lucifugous cave insects are rarely seen by visitors due to their aversion to light.

- 由于厌光,很少有游客看到洞穴里的昆虫。

8. Lucifugous moths rest hidden under bark during the day and become active at dusk.

- 厌光蛾白天隐藏在树皮下休息,黄昏时活跃起来。

9. Certain deep-sea organisms are highly lucifugous, avoiding even the faintest glimmers of light.

- 某些深海生物极度厌光,甚至避开微弱的光芒。

10. The lucifugous nature of owls makes them effective hunters during the nighttime hours.

- 猫头鹰的厌光特性使它们在夜间成为高效的猎手。

11. Lucifugous plants often thrive in the understory of dense forests, shielded from direct sunlight.

- 厌光植物通常繁茂于密林的林下层,避开直射阳光。

12. The creature's lucifugous instincts drove it deeper into the shadows as daylight approached.

- 当白天来临时,这个生物的厌光本能驱使它深入阴影之中。

13. Researchers study lucifugous species to understand their evolutionary adaptations to darkness.

- 研究人员研究厌光物种,以了解它们对黑暗的进化适应性。

14. Lucifugous animals often have specialized eyes or skin pigmentation to avoid light exposure.

- 厌光动物通常具有特殊的眼睛或皮肤色素,以避免光线暴露。

15. The plant's lucifugous tendencies were evident in its preference for shaded areas with minimal sunlight.

- 这种植物的厌光倾向表现在它更喜欢阴凉处,避开阳光直射的地方。


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