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时间: 2024-09-20 07:21:05


Certainly! 这里有关于"genus"的例句,每个都附有中文解释:

1. The genus Rosa includes roses of all kinds.

- 属Rosa包括各种各样的玫瑰。

2. Homo is a genus that includes modern humans and their close relatives.

- 属Homo包括现代人类及其近亲。

3. The biologist classified the new species within the existing genus.

- 生物学家将新物种归入已有的属内。

4. In the animal kingdom, the genus and species names together form the scientific name.

- 在动物界,属名和种名共同组成科学名称。

5. The genus Canis includes dogs, wolves, and foxes.

- 属Canis包括狗、狼和狐狸。

6. Many plants of the genus Solanum are known for their edible fruits.

- 许多属Solanum的植物以其可食用的果实而闻名。

7. Scientists study the characteristics that define each genus.

- 科学家研究定义每个属的特征。

8. The genus Panthera includes big cats such as lions and tigers.

- 属Panthera包括狮子和老虎等大型猫科动物。

9. Botanists discovered a new genus of flowering plants in the rainforest.

- 植物学家在雨林中发现了一种新的开花植物属。

10. Genus and species are fundamental concepts in biological taxonomy.

- 属和种是生物分类学中的基本概念。

11. Each genus may contain multiple species with varying characteristics.

- 每个属可能包含具有不同特征的多个物种。

12. Taxonomists debated the placement of the newly discovered genus within the phylogenetic tree.

- 分类学家们就新发现的属在系统发育树中的位置进行了辩论。

13. The genus Musa includes bananas and plantains.

- 属Musa包括香蕉和大蕉。

14. The diversity within the genus Eucalyptus spans hundreds of species.

- 属Eucalyptus内的多样性涵盖了数百种物种。

15. Identifying the correct genus is crucial for accurate scientific communication.

- 确定正确的属对准确的科学交流至关重要。

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